
Losing a Little Bit of Glee



We were just as shocked as the rest of  the world about hearing the death of the Glee star Cory Monteith. For the last 4 seasons the TV show and the cast of Glee has created a soft spot of everyone in America, with it’s loveable cast of misfits and even went to fearlessly tackle a lot of the social issues of our time.


At the heart of this phenomenon was Cory Monteith who played Finn Hudson, the football player turned Glee club member. We loved the character of Finn because he was so relatable to so many people. Convincing the football team to dance to “Single Ladies” at a football game cemented our love for him on this show.


Even though he was so out his element in Glee club, his dancing skills the topic of some running jokes on the show, his heart was always in everything he did. Finn’s struggle to find his identity and straddling the fine line between being popular and doing what you love made Finn Hudson one of a kind on the show, as the actor was in real life.


As the new season is going to be coming up this fall, we can only imagine what the show will be like with one its original members now gone. As Cory’s role on the show had turned from student to mentor, we got to see the character mature as the show’s original audience mature.


Our hearts and prayers go out to Cory’s friends and family. He will be sorely missed and Glee will never be the same.


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